Apparel & Print on Demand
The Apparel category on is fulfilled through Printful: a Print-on-Demand service – this may result in 2 separate shipping charges if your order is combined with other products from the shop like the prints, pins and stickers we stock.
Return Policy – Print on Demand
Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items must be submitted within 4 weeks after the product has been received. For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 4 weeks after the estimated delivery date. Claims deemed an error on our part are covered at our expense.
Return Policy – products
Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items must be submitted within 4 weeks after the product has been received. For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 4 weeks after the estimated delivery date. Claims deemed an error on our part are covered at our expense. Please send any claims to dontverify (at)